Stacy Rutledge
Maid of Honor

Raina and I met in high school at a slumber party and have been intertwined ever since. From riding around in Austin to binge watching the original Candyman, there isn't a time where we aren't either laughing or dancing (or karaoke-ing). She's been a part of so many of my best memories, and while we’ve laughed a ton we’ve cried as well (sometimes because we’re laughing so hard). She is the sister I never had and the other part of my brain. I am thrilled to be a part of Raina and Stew's big day!

~ Stacy E. Rutledge, Austin, TX

Shreika Madison
Maid of Honor

I’ll stand by you through any obstacle life presents because sisters are forever! I’ll always be your biggest fan! It’s no surprise to me that Raina and Stew are finally walking down the aisle together. I knew from the very beginning that these two were meant to be!

~ Shreika T. Madison, Houston, TX

Hillary Boerio

Raina and I met in 2007 working side gigs as promotional models in Austin, TX. We instantly bonded over our incessant need for a good time and endless ambition for something bigger. We've been fortunate to share in some of life's funnest moments (trips ranging from wine country to foreign countries) and biggest milestones (including the big move to NYC & my wedding just weeks before Raina & Stew became an item!) I'm so happy that Raina and Stewart have established such a beautiful relationship and feel incredibly fortunate to stand with them on their wedding day!

~ Hillary N. Boerio, Austin, TX

Zelena Khan

From work wives to what will be life long friends. In an environment where they could have been competitive - they motivated, cheered and spoke greatness into each other. “Rai—Lena” has gone through the lowest of lows and the highest of highs dancing through it all together. 10 years and counting!

~ Zelena Khan, Bronx, NY

Shannon Givens

Our love story. Two girls raised in the South found each in the Big Apple! We galavanted through the city, found the best shopping areas and Groupons to the best restaurants and some good and bad dates all while setting our eyes on being the best versions of ourselves, supporting each other, building a community and pursuing career goals. We came. We saw. We conquered.

~ Shannon S. Givens, Bethesda, MD

Kristin Lutz

When I met Raina we were both early NYC transplants working as bartenders and navigating the hustle & bustle balance of nyc corporate and night life. The connection was instant! A mutual love for NYC and a love for life, more, and happiness. Over the past decade we have traveled the world together, shared endless birthdays, new jobs, relationships, parenthood, just because moments, navigated through growing pains, and supported each other through tough times to see brighter days; the list goes on and the journey continues, together. I’m honored to be apart of Raina and Stew’s special day and looking forward to a life full of more!

~ Kristin L.M. Lutz, New York, NY

Blake Dressen
Best Man

Stew and I have known each other for 30+ years. Stew and I first met at Wayzata Community Church, but my first personal recollections go back to Junior Golf and Swim team at WCC. Stew was known as the “Blue Man “ for his prowess in the pool, and all I wanted was to do was beat his ass. Although that never happened, it was the seed that sowed one of the most important relationships in my life. Stew is more than a friend, he’s my 4th brother, and a life long partner in crime.

~Blake Dressen, Minneapolis, MN

Craig "Killy" Kilford
My brother in law, my brother from another mother and a much loved Uncle DooDoo to my kids. The person that gave me the courage to hit the black runs, someone I can count on and someone I’d get on a plane for. I’ve loved the fun times so far, and I’m excited about all of those fun times to come.
Guerby Girault

Life brings certain people in your life, and you just click. I knew Stew and I would be friends the second we met, He’s forever family.
~ Guerby Girault, New York, NY

Jason Marin

My first day of work after college at a company I didn’t want to work for, I had the pleasure to be assigned the desk next to the great Stewart Davis. For 5 straight years working an extremely stressful job, Stewart’s mindset, optimism, and dedication to make each day great was just simply outstanding. While he will always be jealous that I’m one the one with a face of a Greek God, I was always jealous of how he portrayed himself. There are many things to learn from Stewart but it is undeniable that I have learned to be a better person from him. I am blessed to have Stewart as a role model and a place along the ride.
~ Jason Marin, New York, NY

Peter Carillo

Stewart's genuine approach, subtle humor, and distinct appeal stood in stark contrast to the corporate air of the company when he first stepped into Eastern Consolidated. He was a breath of fresh air in the office's suffocating ego-driven atmosphere. We clicked almost immediately in our first conversation, but my company wouldn't let us work together. Regardless, I recognized in him untapped potential that, with the right supervision, could blossom. So, despite the rules, I decided to give Stewart as much advice on the business as possible. Stewart was a quick study who appreciated my assistance - I wasn't wrong, he has succeeded as expected, and I'm proud of him. We became good friends over time, and I consider him to be the brother I never had.
~ Peter Carillo, Queen, NY

Rollo James Whitfield Davis
The Little Man, Myth & Legend
It’s our pleasure to introduce Rollo James Whitfield Davis starring as The Ring Bearer, he’s sure to be sprinting down the aisle. This little guy is all things, charismatic, wild, rambunctious and free. He exudes BIG energy even when he’s sleeping. It wasn’t an easy road to building our family or welcoming him into our lives. Now, we get to watch him grow as a tiny melting pot of the two of us, with a pinch of something else uniquely Rollo. First came love, then came baby and we’re thrilled we get to share this day with our son.

Aspen Kennard
Austin, TX

"When I moved to NYC back in 2013, Raina was the only family I had in town. We'd only met once before when we were both still dancing/cheering in Texas, but other than that we weren't close. That changed quickly though, because soon, she was inviting me to company-sponsored dinners & happy hours, and even hooked me up with an internship at her job. She became the cool, big sister I never had. When I first learned of Stew, he was dubbed "the 26 year old" whom she met on Halloween. Then next thing I know, I was being asked to pet-sit Stoli in their cool, East Village apartment. Nevermind my cat allergy, I couldn't let that opportunity pass! I was always welcomed into their space. I got to see the relationship blossom from the very beginning, and it gives me hope for the possibility of true, loving partnership."

Bryan Hernandez
Austin, TX

“I met Raina many years ago while dating Katherine, my fiance, and her cousin. It wasn't until a few years later that I was introduced to Stew and immediately connected with him on our journey as fathers to our sons, while Kat and Raina connected on motherhood. Watching their family grow in love has been such a joy to witness. Raina and Stewart are two of the most energetic and kind-hearted people we know, and we can't wait to celebrate their special day with them.”

Dena Batrice
Dallas, TX

"The universe got involved to make sure Raina and I met. It all started at Dogwood in Austin, where my brother was a regular across the top of Raina's bar. During one of their many chats, Raina talked about her upcoming move to NYC. "My sister is there!" My brother offered to connect us. It had to make sense, Raina and I were two Texas to NYC transplants, two former dancers, two social workers, ...... And two lesbians (or so he thought...hoped?). So we did meet and from NY started a friendship that has spanned multiple countries and more than a decade. Only after becoming friends did we find out that my brother had been playing matchmaker. I'm so glad he did and I'm so happy to celebrate Raina's love for Stew."

Kent Patterson
Minneapolis, MN

Who would have thought Warren G, a few beers, and a Colombian dive bar would result in nearly a decade of friendship? Here is to many more years of sing alongs, cocktails and merriment. So excited to be part of the celebration of Raina and Stew!

Philip Descorbeth
Bethesda, MD

I met Stew and Raina through my wife, Shannon! Raina has been a household name for many years- a great listener and friend! When I met Stew, we connected through our love for sports and Marvel movies. What I most appreciate about them is how authentic, loving, and fun they are. So happy to celebrate your wedding and your new journey together.

Shaheen Hangval
Durango, CO

“At only 8 years old…Raina and I were instant best friends. From elementary through college, I can not recall one argument between us. All my memories are full of shenanigans, looking out for each other, and laughing until our stomachs hurt. After college, she moved to NY and I moved to CO. We didn’t see each other in person for over a decade, but never fully lost touch. Over the last few years, we rekindled that old flame and it turns out we are both still the same fun goofballs we have always been.”